Telephoto Lens Vs Depth Sensor | Ultimate Comparison in 2023

telephoto lens vs depth sensor

If you are here, then it means that you are somehow interested in smartphone photography and looking for the best camera sensor phones for your photography.

As a mobile photographer, you must be confused between the presence of a telephoto lens and a depth sensor on the back of your phone. Now which one is better, telephoto or depth sensor? Let’s dive deep into the post to decide between telephoto lens vs depth sensor.

Telephoto Lens VS Depth Sensor

Practically, the telephoto lens is better in every way than the depth sensor. The depth sensor is just marketed to be helpful in portraits, but in a practical sense, it has no use as edge cutting can be done perfectly by software.

Use of Telephoto Lens and Depth Sensor

Now let’s discuss where we can use the depth sensor and telephoto lens.

Use of a Depth Sensor

Let’s start with a depth sensor. As mentioned before, the depth sensor is just marketed to be helpful in portraits for edge cutting and blurring the background. The depth sensor is generally a 2MP or a 5MP sensor that cannot or does not take pictures as the main camera.

But honestly speaking that can be easily done by the new software, even better. That’s why I am saying that there is no practical use of a depth sensor. It is just for marketing.

Use of a Telephoto Lens

Unlike a depth sensor, a telephoto lens does a very excellent job in compressing the perspective and creates crispiness in the image. The minimal and abstract composition and black mist and single point of focus you get by using a telephoto lens are just unbelievable.

Also, with a telephoto sensor, you get optical zoom which is way better than digital zoom. You don’t get much degradation in the quality. With a telephoto lens, you can enhance your photography skills to the next level.

If you can’t pay for a smartphone with a telephoto lens, you can buy a normal phone which may or may not have a depth sensor lens. Just be known that the sensor will be of no prime use and install Google Camera for even better results and portraits.

For more information about the advantages of a telephoto lens, visit here.

Bottom Line

Now while concluding our post, I will repeat my analysis about the depth sensor and telephoto lens. So as mentioned, the telephoto lenses do a remarkable job in the field of photography while the depth sensor is like an extra thing in the market. The downside of a telephoto lens is that it comes in expensive phones like the new Galaxy phones and iPhone cameras.

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